Ta Prohm

July 9, 2008

:Via Victory Gate

According to my tour guide’s introduction on Ta Prohm, it is one of the best known temple where trees have been left intertwined with the stonework, much as it was uncovered from the jungle.

Upon entering Ta Prohm, a strange sight struck me. TREES.

Strangely these trees grow on top of every single stone temples.  It was almost impossible to understand how these trees are able to grow on top of these stones and how these stone can withstand the trees mass, especially when these tree trunks are as huge as the stone.

Oh, for some of you who are fans of English Blockbuster, Tomb Raider. You might be able to recognize some of the scenes from the movie.

“It might be considered in a state of disrepair but there is a strange beauty in the marvellous strangler fig trees which provide a stunning display of the embrace between nature and the human handiwork. This is one of the most popular temples after Angkor Wat and the Bayon because of the beautiful combinations of wood and stone.” -My good friend, Wikipedia.org

Tonl’e Sap River

July 6, 2008


Attraction 1: Tonle Sap River: Largest Freshwater in SEA.

It’s unbelievable sight once u see the conditions of the Cambodians living in the river. Ive been to many 3rd world countries and this is one of the poorest i’ve ever came across. The people there are so poor that most of them dont even bother to wear clothes (that includes women), unless meeting tourists. I was told by my guide that most of them are illegal Vietnamese immigrants, since the river flows through Vietnam. They dispose practically everthing into the river,yet at the same time, they can still depend the river for drinking, bathing, washing…. Imagine the bacterias surrounding you and even in your bodies.



Cambodia, Siem Riep

July 6, 2008

I have returned Singapore for more than a month, and i ve yet to post anything regarding my tour this time round. Cambodia, was where i was, for those who always questioned about my disappearance in Singapore.

Ive always wanted to visit Cambodia, since i studied History during my early year secondary school. I remembered vagualy how amazed i was, stumbling arcoss one of the 7 Wonders of the World, The Ankor Watt, one of the best preserved ancient architecture in the World and also the Khmer Rouge, one of the most horifying period for the Cambodians.

My dream of visiting that mystical & amazing country came true, when my parents decided to switch our tour destination from HuangShan (China) to Cambodia.

I wont be posting my entire trip one shot, since im rather sure that i will have nothing left to post .. and eventually.. my blog will die off …again…

Day 1